About us
تكون شركة رائدة في مجال التقييم العقاري عبر كوكبة من المقيمين المعتمدين الذين يملكون الخبرات والكفاءة في المملكة العربية السعودية وفق معايير التقييم الدولية (IVSC) في هذا المجال.
Our company provides real estate appraisal services of all kinds according to the highest international standards and taking into account all local influences for a large number of well-known clients. The Value Explanation Company for real estate appraisal is the result of years of scientific, practical and professional experiences, united by a framework of good reputation and absolute trust.

Resident real estate value
Resident real estate area
Resident properties number
Certified hours of experience
Tebyan Alqima clients
Real estate services
Value statement for real estate appraisal is one of the leading companies working in the field of real estate appraisal and providing real estate services accompanying real estate appraisal in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as it aspires to have an effective and influential role in advancing decision-making in the real estate world in the Kingdom by providing innovative real estate products and services derived from methods of evaluation and real estate expertise
Participation of Tebyan Alqima members in the International Assessment Conference 2022
The activities of the twelfth edition of the International Assessment Conference concluded on October 6, 2022, the conference hosted by the Saudi Authority for Accredited Valuers “Taqeem” under the auspices of His Excellency the Minister of Finance, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Authority, Muhammad bin Abdullah Al-Jadaan, in cooperation with the Committee of the International Assessment Conference, in the capital, Riyadh, with international participation Wide, which is held for the first time in the Middle East and the Arab world.
The conference discussed over the course of 3 days a number of important topics about the future of the evaluation profession and its best practices, understanding evaluation standards and methodologies, as well as shedding light on the profession and the promising opportunities it achieves, and reviewing and exchanging local and international best practices in the evaluation profession.
On its third day, the conference dealt with many working papers, foremost of which was “The Intersections of the Evaluation Branches and Their Impact on Professional Development, as well as a paper entitled The Impact of Environmental and Social Factors on Evaluation.” The sessions concluded with a discussion session entitled “Best Evaluation Practices”, in which many of the pioneers of the evaluation profession participated. locally and globally.
It is noteworthy that the conference is held every two years in one of the countries of the world and is a link between the evaluators and the organizers …
ما نراه من خطوات حقيقية لتمكين الشباب وإعدادهم لتولي زمام المستقبل هو إنجاز نشهد حدوثه جميعاً على أرض المملكة، فخورين بما تم عمله ومتفائلين بمستقبل أفضل ننعم فيه برخاء وأمان بإذن الله…#مؤتمر_التقييم_الدوليpic.twitter.com/ZHZB3Zuu3d
— فهد البقمي (@FahdAlbogami) October 5, 2022
العوامل المؤثرة على القيمة العقارية – Factors Affecting Real Estate Value
يواجه كل مقيم عقاري العديد من العوامل التي تؤثر على قيمة العقار عند إجراء عملية التقييم العقاري . ومن أهم هذه العوامل:...أساليب التقييم العقاري الرئيسية – Main Real Estate Valuation Approaches
يعتمد المقيم العقاري على ثلاثة أساليب رئيسية للتقييم العقاري، وهي: أسلوب السوق يعتمد هذا الأسلوب على مقارنة العقار...مراحل عملية التقييم العقاري – Stages of the Real Estate Appraisal Process
مراحل عملية التقييم العقاري – Stages of the Real Estate Appraisal Process مراحل عملية التقييم العقاري يعتمد...